Children - Steve McCurry
Ok, so I love this photographer. His name is Steve McCurry and he is a National Geographic photographer. I first became aware of him after having to choose a photographer for a Studio 4 project and I fell in love with one particular series. This particular series is titled Children and it shows children in every country imaginable. But what intrigued me the most is the beauty of the innocence of the children, but also the horrific circumstances of some of the children, like the pics of children soldiers holding guns. To me, it speaks for the little kids who can't speak for themselves because it's the evidence to what many of us don't ever want to believe is true.
For some reason I cant find a way to go through the actual gallery on his website, so here is a link to a blog that shows a lot, although not all, of the pics from the Children series. Please check out this series, you won't be disappointed:
And here is the link to his actually website where you can view other galleries: